LEVIN | The New York Times Managing Editor Marc Lacey Discusses Journalism in the Internet Age: Under the Sun, Ep. 2

LEVIN | The New York Times Managing Editor Marc Lacey Discusses Journalism in the Internet Age: Under the Sun, Ep. 2

Segments of this opinion interview transcript have been edited for clarification.

Gabe Levin: Hey, Cornell. I’m your host, Gabe Levin. This is episode two of Under The Sun, a new video series from The Cornell Daily Sun where we talk to prominent alumni and ask for their expert views on topics in the media spotlight. Today’s theme is bolstering trust in the news and in democracy. But before we get to that, I’d like to introduce my guest who’s joining me remotely from The New York Times headquarters in New York City and ask him some questions about himself and his time here at Cornell. Mark Lacey’s career in journalism is the stuff of dreams for student journalists like me. He won a Pulitzer Prize at the Los Angeles Times. He served as a correspondent in Washington, Nairobi and Mexico City. In more than two decades at The New York Times, he’s risen up the masthead to become managing editor of one of the world’s most prestigious newspapers. But it all started here at The Sun, where he served as editor in chief. Thanks for coming on the show, Mr. Lacey, and thanks for all the work that you do day in and day out, making sure the world is informed about the issues that matter most.