SCHECHTER | I Don’t Agree With A Thing She Says, But I Still Showed Up To Hear Ann Coulter Rant

SCHECHTER | I Don’t Agree With A Thing She Says, But I Still Showed Up To Hear Ann Coulter Rant

She’s callous and selfish, a white nationalist hungry for fame and sound bytes. She wants to diminish the diverse beauty of our country to a place where only rich whites have a role. She said “anchor babies” suck the social safety net dry. And she shut down any idea that immigrants could be good for our country. 

I didn’t agree with anything Ann Coulter said in her speech last night. But I showed up anyway. Not out of respect for her. I have none. But for myself, and a belief that we can’t make the world a better place for everyone until we understand the people who want to hoard America’s promise and prosperity for themselves. 

I went because I believe in the idea of negative capability, holding two contradictory ideas in your head as true. I firmly believe that Ann Coulter is a sad, deplorable racist who Cornell has no business inviting. But I still felt inclined to hear her speak to see exactly why I disagree with her.