SENZON | Why Failure is Underrated

SENZON | Why Failure is Underrated

Life is full of challenges and unexpected hardships. More often than not, we find ourselves failing. Failure is relative, we each individually have our understanding of what it means to us. One thing is abundantly clear, however: The word failure is often spoken of with a negative connotation.

Why do we have to fail, though? It’s so much easier to avoid unwanted circumstances otherwise.

I know I may sound delusional when I mention my positive feelings associated with failure. As the fall semester continues academics have most certainly picked up. Around this time, every semester, we find ourselves in a state of crisesThis is a repeating pattern that I’ve noticed with myself. It’s in our nature to take on an arduous amount of responsibilities and let it overtake our lives, especially at a place like Cornell. This semester, I experienced my first anxiety attack in several years..  Up until that moment, I had amended my lifestyle: I meditated; I exercised; I was taught to regulate my emotions. But as work and the burden of responsibilities — the desire to succeed and go above and beyond — shadow over our healthy structures, we crumble.