TING | Setting the Record Straight on The Dispatch Article

TING | Setting the Record Straight on The Dispatch Article

In light of recent rumors and misleading narratives highlighted in the press, including an excerpt originally written by The Dispatch, I feel compelled to share my truth and address these allegations head-on. The assertion that I sought to exchange preferential treatment for support within the Assembly is not only unfounded but deeply contrary to my principles and the values that I have consistently championed.

“According to Bhardwaj, who had a claim to an Assembly seat reserved for runner-up for president, Ting reached out to her asking for support in exchange for preferential treatment on the Assembly. Bhardwaj declined and did not take the seat, saying that this decision ‘was entirely due to members using something as horrific as sexual assault as a political ploy.’ She is no longer involved with the Assembly.”

I reached out to Sanvi Bhardwaj following an inquiry from the Office of Assemblies regarding the status of the runner-up Presidential seat, seeing as Sanvi was now entitled to the seat following Pedro Da Silveira’s impeachment.