Tips and tricks for going to a Phillies game as a non-sports fan

Tips and tricks for going to a Phillies game as a non-sports fan

I grew up in a family that has always been extremely passionate about every Philadelphia sports team. Unfortunately, that gene was not passed to me and I spent my first Phillies game at the tender age of six complaining and begging to go home. Once my chicken nuggets and ice cream were eaten, I was ready to leave. We were on our way home by the sixth inning, and to this day I still feel a little guilty. 

Fast-forward 14 years, and going to Phillies games is one of the things I look forward to most in spring and summer. As someone who has never been much of a sports fan, here are my tips and tricks for enjoying a game to its fullest potential.

Plan ahead:

The first step in going to a game is to plan ahead. If you buy parking in advance, it makes the day of the game way less stressful. It also ensures that you do not have to walk a mile to the gates (been there, done that). Due to how horrible traffic can get around the stadiums in South Philadelphia, my family also leaves the house about two hours before the game begins despite living only 45 minutes away from the city. It just helps to eliminate unnecessary stress and allows us to enjoy the game as much as possible. 

Watch the screens:

Hear me out, the screens are where it is at. The big screen helps those like me who are not too familiar with all the different players to distinguish which athlete is batting. It is cool because sometimes between innings they will show videos of the players talking about their favorite television show or local Philadelphia restaurant.  Also, due to the generation I was born in, I am just attracted to screens. Sue me.

Explore the stadium: 

Without fail, every time I have been to a game in the past couple years, I have ended up getting up from my seat around the sixth or seventh inning to walk around the stadium. For me, it’s fun to see all the different restaurants and shops that line the concourse. It is also a good way to stretch your legs for a little bit since the seats at the stadium can get one pretty claustrophobic. 


As lame as it sounds, one of my favorite parts of going to a game is the food. It’s not that Citizens Bank Park is known for its gourmet cuisine or anything, but still. It is the only place besides the beach where I have ever seen a Chickie’s & Pete’s, and their crab fries are a religious experience. No matter what we get to eat, my family and I always enjoy the food. It can get expensive, but I think it is worth it. Also, there is nothing like eating soft serve out of a little plastic Phillies helmet. This hat makes it taste better, in my opinion.

“People watch”:

I am a champion people watcher, and Phillies games are one of the best places to do it. For example, at the last game I attended, my mom and I spent at least half of the game trying to determine the relationship dynamics of the group sitting in front of us. We never figured it out for sure, but it still kept us entertained. 

Overall, I mostly enjoy going to Phillies games for the experience. It is a rite of passage, and it is always a good time. Even if you are like me and are not really into sports, it is a fun thing to do and definitely worth the experience if you have never been to a game.